Psoriasis Free For Life

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dealing With Psoriasis

Anyone who suffers from psoriasis knows the heartache and embarrassment that goes along with the disease. Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes dry, scaly itching, rashes, and large red wounds. The rash is not pretty and the weepy wounds can be hard to cover up. The embarrassment can cause you to feel uncomfortable in public and have you dressed from head to toe, even in the hottest months of summer.

Psoriasis is nothing to be embarrassed about; it is a skin condition with no cure. Though you should try to avoid scratching at all cost, it is not always possible. Anytime you have unsightly wounds or rashes, going out in public can be difficult, but it should not keep you indoors or hiding out.

Many times it may seem like you are the only person who suffers from psoriasis. The truth is many other people feel the exact same way. Just as you cover up your rashes, other people are out there doing the same thing. The person in the chair next to you at work may suffer from psoriasis and you would never know. There are many people out there who suffer psoriasis and countless other skin problems. If it helps, you can join a local support group with others just like you.

Leaving the comfort of your home and exposing your rashes can be difficult. It’s easy to sit at home in shorts and t-shirt; you are used to the rashes and patchy skin. However, hiding out in your house can just lead to more problems. Feelings of anxiety or depression can sink in and that added stress can actually cause the psoriasis to become even worse.

Stand up proud and tell people that you suffer from psoriasis. The rashes and scars, from previous outbreaks, will most likely be noticeable so you might as well stop the whispers and stares. Talking about the condition will also help get the awareness out there. There may be people all around who suffer from the same symptoms but never knew what they had. Talking about psoriasis will empower you to take charge over the ailment instead of allowing it to take charge over you.

Get rid of psoriasis HERE

Monday, February 21, 2011

Beat Psoriasis the Natural Way

Seeking relief from psoriasis can be a lifelong quest. You can search everywhere for the perfect cure and never quite find it. There are plenty of medications, creams, pastes, gels, and lotions out there, but they don’t always work and they can be pricy. It gets time consuming and expensive to dab a lotion all over the body two to three times a day or take a pill every day. Most people just want something that is quick, simple, cheap, and works.

There are actually some things you can start doing for yourself that might help with psoriasis and slow down the onset of another outbreak. Things you can change around the house or personally, that don’t cost you an extra cent.

In your home, try to find the perfect temperature. Flare-ups can be caused by changes in the weather or temperatures in your own home. Going from one extreme to the next is never a good thing. Slowly let your body adjust to warmer temperatures or colder ones. Too much sweat on the body, can lead to irritation and itching which leads to scratching which can cause skin injuries which will lead to flare ups. Most of the time is spent at home or in the office, so make sure you have both places set at your perfect temperature. It can take some time to find that temperature and other people may have to adjust to it but it will help you in the long run. Temperature control may be easier at home than it is at work.

Apply moisturizer often during the day. The moisturizer should be of good quality and fragrance free. Smelly lotion, the good scents, is a favorite among women, but it can actually irritate the skin. Avoid the pricy fruit smelling lotions and opt for one that offers a good amount of moisture. Always remember to lotion up after you shower or bath to help keep that moisture locked in.

Switch to all-natural products. This means everything you use from hand soap to makeup should be fragrant free and all natural. Look for products that are hypoallergenic and are free and clear of irritants. Change your laundry detergent to a free and clear type brand.

Go to Psoriasis Free for life to find more tips

Monday, January 31, 2011

Source of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is caused by abnormal growth of skin cells and abnormal function of white blood cells (T lymphocytes) when the rate of division than the dismantling of dead skin cells.

In a healthy person, the process of replacing skin cells occurs gradually and takes 28-30 days.

while the skin cells of psoriasis patients will be distributed more quickly because the body's immune system disorder that sends a signal to speed up the processing cycle of the skin within 3-7 days.

Dead skin cells will turn this over to form a thick white scales on the reddish spots arise. Then he will be itching and the disease affects the nails, fingers and toes and caused recessed.

Usually, psoriasis skin will become spotted or spotted red, swollen and the skin will thicken and harden. Sometimes a patch of dead cells was changed to black due to the presence of melanin.

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  • Psoriasis is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic factors and environment.
  • One-fourth to one-third of those who suffer from psoriasis have a family history of such. Genetic factors also play a role in some cases.
  • Physical and emotional pressure, throat infections, flu, some kind of medication (eg steroid hormones, some anthihipertensif may make psoriasis worse.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking may make psoriasis worse or difficult to lose.
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